Well, the domains are in the process of migrating to a new home; this machine is substantially beefier than the current (old server). So far http://theindy.net is already migrated, DNS info changed and up and running on the new box! So I still have 5 domains to switch over; thank God for CPanel this is the most innovative thing for any admin to use.
I just manage the security of the box so far I need to setup my new IPTABLES rules, so I wrote a new NAT script and I'm going to put it in effect after the migration is complete. The only ports that will be open are the ones vital to running the domains, just like the old box. I keep a constant eye on the box with a IDS/brute-force script.
My next project will involve writing a Perl script and using CRON to execute the script; what I'm going to do is make a 'dictionary file' and fill it with some of my favorite quotes/messages. This script will be executed VIA CRON every 24 hours to change the servers MOTD, something simple and not really needed but it'll be a fun little project.
I started really getting into PERL about a week ago, so far I'm really catching on I'm actually starting to understand the scripting language and it's getting easier for me to accomplish things. My goal is to become very fluent with PERL for the simple fact that it makes a well-rounded *NIX admin. It definitly helps with the job, keeps things automated so you have less to worry about! I'll post the migration; we have to work around the domain's so we don't interrupt their process, I'm assuming these domains will be migrated sometime around 2-3 am Friday or Saturday.