Thursday, May 10, 2007

Installing Citrix on Linux (Ubuntu)

I've recently installed Citrix v10.0 on my laptop running Ubuntu Feisty 7.4. I've heard this was a very daunting task, I only experienced one issue and this was resolved very quickly after a google search. I'm going to spare the screenshots for security purposes, I think it'd be pretty taboo to post pictures of me logging into a secure site, eh?

1.) Download Citrix v10.0
2.) $sudo apt-get install libxaw6 libmotif3
$sudo tar xvfz en.linuxx86.tar.gz
$sudo ./setupwfc

# Now we're at the Citrix Installation
Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.0 setup.
Select a setup option:

1. Install Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.0
2. Remove Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.0
3. Quit Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.0 setup

Enter option number 1-3 [1]:1
  • Enter 1. Install Citrix Presentation Server Client 10.0
  • Please enter the directory in which Citrix
    Presentation Server Client is to be installed.

    [default /usr/lib/ICAClient] or type "quit"
    to abandon the installation: /usr/lib/ICAClient
  • You can choose to enter different folder. I choose: /usr/lib/ICAClient
  • You have chosen to install Citrix Presentation Server
    Client 10.0 in /usr/lib/ICAClient
Proceed with installation? [default n]: y
  • Enter: Y to continue

    Use of this component is subject to the Citrix license
    covering the Citrix product(s) with which you will be
    using this component. This component is only
    licensed for use with such Citrix product(s).

    CTX_code EP_T_A34320

    Select an option:

    1. I accept
    2. I do not accept
    Enter option number 1-2 [2]: 1

Installation proceeding...

Checking available disk space ...

Disk space available 588136 K
Disk space required 4964 K

Continuing ...
Creating directory /usr/lib/ICAClient
Core package...
Setting file permissions...
Integrating with browsers...
Browsers found.

Found entries in browser configuration(s) from an earlier
installation. Do you want these entries to point to the
new installation? [default y]: y
  • Enter: y to integrate with your Mozilla Firefox browser
  • Integration complete.

    Found KDE or GNOME desktop entries from an earlier
    installation. Do you want these entries to point to
    the new installation? [default y]: y
  • Enter: y to make sure your Citrix Client install in Gnome or KDE
  • Enter: 3. Quit Citrix Pesentation Server Client 10.0 setup
  • $cd /usr/lib/ICAClient
  • $sudo ./wfcmgr

Next you'll see an UGLY font provided by Citrix, if you would like to change this; DL this script
    • Run $chmod +x citrix-icaclient-10-ubuntu
    •  export ICAROOT=/usr/lib/ICAClient
    •  sudo bash citrix-icaclient-10-ubuntu Version 0.7
Patching Citrix ICAClient 10.0 on Ubuntu 7.04,
continue [y/N] ?: y
Using ICAROOT=/usr/lib/ICAClient
patching file nls/en/UTF-8/Wfcmgr
patching file nls/en/Wfcmgr
    Citrix ICAClient 10 for Ubuntu 7.04
  • Close and open your Mozilla Firefox browser to make sure it loads the proper Citrix plugins.
  • Connect to your Citrix Server and choose your application.
  • Once prompted enter “/usr/lib/wfica” to open your application if required Chose "always use this app for this type of file".
Generally we would be finished by now; but I ran into some issues with the Thawte certificate, so I did this; I found out that Stanford University offers a root cert available for DL, (THANKS STANFORD!) do this if you get this error.

1.) cd /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts
2.) sudo wget

Friday, May 4, 2007

Peer-to-peer and Bit-Torrent Security concerns.

I was inspired to write this blog when a friend emailed me asking questions about his safety when using Bit-torrent clients. This really depends on what type of security you're asking about, there are several different ways. By the way, this friend is a VERY tech-savy person and a pure genius for that matter, the reason I was compelled to write this is because it's a very common question that most people don't bother researching or take into consideration.

Q: Am I safe from Virus'?
A: BitTorrent is a much safer service than other peer-to-peer networks because of how it functions. While other peer-to-peer services allow a certain degree of access to a shared folder or someone’s hard drive, BitTorrent users cannot share anything outside of the desired file type that is in an open BitTorrent window.

Due to the fact that you are only downloading segments of the file as opposed to the full thing, it also makes it incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to transmit viruses through the BitTorrent system. There are a number of people who are opposed to peer-to-peer technologies because of possible security concerns, however, virtually none of these concerns are found in the BitTorrent service.

Q: Is using Bit-torrent software Illegal?
A: No, you can infact make it illegal by downloading pirated software/movies/music. Many software developers prefer Bit-Torrent because seeders can share it's bandwidth to lessen the load on their servers. Thus increasing download speeds for everyone.

Q: How do I protect myself from the MPAA/RIAA?
A: This is a very interested question, for one the best way is NOT TO DOWNLOAD ILLEGAL FILES. But of course there are some ways of protecting yourself. The main thing I recommend is the installation/use of Peer Guardian, this application is only available for Windows' Platform ATM. If you're a *NIX user I recommend checking out MoBlock.

Link to PeerGuardian
Link to MoBlock

Please note that MoBlock actually ties in/initiates new IPTABLES rules, so make sure you have access to your terminal (especially if you want to put this on your Linux router the new rules could flush your existing NAT rules).

There are ways to keep yourself safe, support the cause and never violate your own morals,